Friday, April 29, 2011

Senior Idol Event 2011

I need to report it is fantastic to be part of this program of the "Senior Idol".  It's easy to see that the senior population still have talent.  Every year they top themselves.  To see all them perform on stage, then watch them walk off winners is very rewarding to me.

When I started this six years ago, I had no idea what affect it would have on me.  My experiences with all of the past singers through the contest has been humbling.  Each one touches my heart when they sing.  I can see in their faces that they are a star.  They each share from their soul and wonderful voices.

Thank you for teaching and sharing me.  Hopefully this program will last for many years to come.

Also, many thanks to our sponsors:
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill
Crystal Inn Hotel and Suites
Hale Centre Theatre
Village Inn
Because of their generousity we are able to give out great prizes to our stars.

The winners for 2011 were
"Senior Idol" - John Prather from Sandy Center
2nd place - Kelvin Hoover from Tenth East
3rd Place - Norma Hoover from Taylorsville.

We had nineteen contestants this year.  Wayne James (Taylorsville), Norma Hoover (Taylorsville), Reginia Myrum (FNSC), Laura Briggs (FNSC), Lana Price (Harman Sr. Rec), Lawrence Gonzales (Harman Sr. Rec), John Prather (Sandy), Marvin Mangum (Magna), Bill Hunzuker (Bill Hunzuker), Larry Cook (Liberty), Marj Drury (Liberty), Alan Brownly (Kearns), David Spencer (Draper), Ona Welch (Kearns), Kelvin Hoover (Tenth East), Cathy Gilbert (Tenth East), and Kent Terry (Riverbend).

I tip my hat to all of you.  Thank you.  Eileen Pryor

More photos are posted.  Look on the side panel of this blog under Photos of Our Patrons.

The Price Is Right

We have never had a group game so supported like THE PRICE IS RIGHT!  The enthusiasm of the group was on fire fun.  Our contestants won some good prizes.
Philo Searle was the first to get called out of the audience.

Richard Petty

As the game progressed and the pricing made we had fun playing the games.  Adele King, Judy Brady and Tim Crowford did an excellent job running the game.

Hole In One

Higher or Lower

How Abundant

One of the Grand Prizes

Philo Was The "Winner".  He also walked out with a Grand Prize!

Thanks especially to Aldel King.  She was a wonder getting this put together.