Thursday, January 3, 2013

Who Is That?

Have you ever sat behind someone and wondered who it was just by seeing the back of their head?  I was going through my files and realized this game hadn't be pulished on the web.  We had fun deciding who these people are from the back shot.  People that you see everyday look different from just one view.  See if you can recognize anyone.  The answers will be on the bottom of the photos spelled backwards.
ttibboB ylreveB

namkroW loraC

ehcssaL eloraC

drapehS drawdE

kciwdahC nellE
gnoL nhoJ

rethgualS yduJ

zenitraM leunaM

snioH nivraM

gnoL derdliM

rehsieR yrreP

nellA yaR

kralC xeR

recaF yrreT

regniseB laV

htimS eikciV

Crafter of the Month Ray Watkins 2013

Ray is the first one to display the Crafter of the Month for the year 2013.  He has done a masterful job on leather work.  Beautiful belts, wallets, and purses.  A must see.