Friday, December 15, 2017

January 2018 Calendars

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Monday, December 4, 2017

Poetry Club Christmas Poems 2017

Christmas time is on its way
Families happy together
Jesus Christ remembered
Born in the stable years ago
The greatest gift God blessed
Us with, whom we love
And cherish so
Thank you, God, for your Son you share
Showing how much you love and card
by Jackie Foote

Christmas is remembering . . .
Our friends who are far and near,
A season always dear

For somehow, no only at Christmas,
But all the long year through,
The joy that you give to other
Is the joy that come back to you

There's a magic that come with Christmas
A magic that fills the heart,
And it glistens in every window
Of village and town or mart.

There'll always be a Christmas
To bring us hope and peace,
And nothing can destroy it -
The joy will never cease

When I was eight or nine we went to Logan for Christmas that year.
We were going to visit my mother's parents who were so dear!
We traveled in the car with secret presents hidden in the trunk.
As we were driving and dad swerved, I heard in the truck a kerplunk.
My sister slept on the couch and I slept on an army cot in the living room.
I kept on eye open to see who Santa would be.  And to my amazement whom
Did I see but my dad and mom putting out the colorful presents?
I had seem my dad put the presents in the trunk so this made sense.
I scooted up on the cot when dad let and fell into the Christmas tree!
The folks came running out and were surprised to see me!
They straightened up the tree and was amazed that the balls were not broken.
They told me to go to sleep if Santa was to come but I knew they were misspoken!
by Colleen Peterson Worthen 2017

Friday, December 1, 2017

Music and Art December

Vote A Senior Gift

Make Popcorn Balls

Christmas Movies at the Center 2017

Card Making Class December 2017

Christmas Word Puzzles 2017

Oil Painting Exhibit 2017

Merry Christmas from the Harman Senior Recreation Staff 2017

We love the people that come to our center.  What a blessing to have great people surround us.  Many bright memories for you and yours this Christmas Season.  Merry Christmas All Ya All!