Friday, September 26, 2014

Relax The Back Presentation

Name That Tune

A fun game of beating the other person to naming the tune first.

Laughter Yoga

This class is free this time.  If you want it, this is a trial class.  If it is supported it will continue.

Hearing Tune Up

Get hearing aids cleaned for free.

At Center Movie - I, Frankenstein

At Center Movie - Hocus Pocus

At Center Movie - Pirates of the Carribbean

At Center Movie - Bewitched

Granger High Bingo

Friends of the Fiddlers Entertainment

Drug Take-Back Day

Non Surgical Approaches to Joint Pain Relief Presentation

Pre-School Trick or Treaters

Taking Donations of individually wrapped candy

Tooele Breakfast

Sign up needed

Pete Harman Day 2014

Sign up needed

Hockey Bus Trip

Sign up needed

Halloween Party

Gardner Village Bus Trip

Sign up needed

October Crafty Eileen Class

Sign up needed

Tour of City Hall

Sign up needed

Casino Night Time Party

October Card Making Class

Canyon Drive

Sign up needed

October Calendars 2014

Click on image to enlarge

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bridal Veil Falls Provo

Margene Takes The Duct Tape Show Hands Down

Margene Pons made so many creative items out of Duct Tape for our duct tape competition.  Wow!  I was taken back.  She is a winner in so many ways.

Center Talent Show 2014

Some of the Harman 5+ group play some rip snorting good times songs.  Toe Tappin' music.

 Philo tells a good short poem.  Way to short though, we wanted more.

Blaine touched my heart with the expressions and emotions he put into his reading.  He could put a person right into the story as if they were really there at the scene.
Brittany told about her Grandmother having a stroke and how Carole, her grandmother is someone she really loves.  It was a very heart felt time share with the audience.
David as usual comes up with the funniest one actor skits.  He had everyone laughing.

Judy's talent is writing her history in poetry, and may I also add getting her exercise in while reading her poetry to the audience.  Judy was shaking in fear and trembling so hard she could hardly read her notes.  What a gal, she overcame and conquered her fears.  We were able to enjoy every minute of her.

 Marge tapped danced and sang in her rainy day costume.  She is still light on her toes.
Perry sang a song that he has always liked and always wanted to sing to others.  Today he got something off of his bucket list.

David was a show boat singer as he walked into the audience singing to them.  He wife played the piano for him to sing.

Having Fun at the Magna Decathalon 2014

The Magna Senior Center always does a great job with the decathalons.  This year was just as good.  If your center isn't involved with it, they are missing out.

Still Bowling

We are still having a ball at the Dalton Bowling alley.  Every Monday.  You could be part of this.

Snake Man

John Atamanczyk has made a return trip to share his beautiful snakes with us.  He is very educational and helps put people at ease with snakes (at least his snakes).