Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Heritage Series October Lord, Get Me Out Alive! Music and Stories

Sam Payne was such a delight.  He put a comical side to his songs and stories.  We are really enjoying the programs for the Heritage Series.  You should join us.

Private Owned Train Trip

Fifteen people from our center were invited to tour this privately owned train room.

Halloween Party 2015


We took pictures

Acted our age


Tossed monsters.

Ate donuts

Played some golf


Got a little temptation whooo hooo!


Tossed ghosts

 Cake walked for cupcakes and soda

Made candy suckers

Had a costume parade contest
Danced a little




Duane awarded Funniest Costume

Vickie - awarded Ugliest Costume

Mary - awarded Most Traditional Costume

Margene - awarded Most Original Costume

Susie - awarded Scariest Costume

Bea - awarded Best At Hiding Who They Are Costume

Greg - awarded Best Overall Costume

Valerie - Most Effective