1st team consisted of LaRae Wickens, Vickie Smith, Steve Smith and Doris Bohman. Out of their team Vickie Smith had the highest score. LaRae won HONORABLE EFFORT.
2nd team members were Elizabeth Nakata, Vickie Banks, Duane Banks, and Geri Ness. The highest score for their team was Geri Ness.
3rd team was Jay Thorsted, Rex Clark, Benita Bushnell, and Virginia Shay. Virginia had the highest score in their team.
4th team were the OVER ALL BEST TEAM. Team members were Mary Mecham, Jack Schmidt, Edward Shepard, and Jean Poulsen.
Shep had the highest score of their team, and BEST MAN PLAYER.
We want to thank Beverly Bobbit for donating the trophies.