Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Serving Time Prison Restaurant Is A BIG hit!

Danna had a great time hiding from the seniors where they were going for Fun Bunch Lunch.  She could hardly wait to see their faces when she drove the bus to the prison.  On the outskirts of the prison walls is a restaurant named Serving Time.  Eveyone on the bus wasn't sure they were at the right place.

Our group was so big with 28 people that their restaurant wasn't big enough to serve all of them.  Thus, they moved our group to the conference room.

When they had returned to the center after their day out the whole bunch of them were still excited and happier than larks.

Beth, Adele and Carol were telling me about their experience there.  The inmates that prepared and served the food were people that had earned the right to be there.  It is part of a program to give skills for them after they are released out of prison.
The waitresses were so nice and cute to everyone it was easy to feel warmth, comfort and laughter with them.  The Correction Officer had everyone rolling in the isles with his humor.
The cooks were laughing with the group while they served up some scrumptious food.  The environment was simply wonderful.  The food was delicious with plenty to eat.  The prices of the food especially for the amount of food served was a (should we say it?)  a real steal!  Big slabs of ham, eggs, drinks, sandwiches, fries that tantalized your taste buds and brownies.  Wow!  Big, big brownies.  They shared one brownie with eight people and still had a bite or two left.  It was a big menu with a lot to choose from.  Bytheway, they use only plastic utensils.  The help cannot accept tips, so if tips are made they are donated to the Primary Children's Hospital.

The employed restaurant folks said they are making a license plate with our Harman name on it to send to us later.  Everyone bought a shirt that had the icon on the back with the name Serving Time on it.  Danna bought an apron and gave it to Cindy that works in our kitchen.

The ladies that I interviewed said they want to go back and soon too.  They give the restaurant a 5 plus star rating.

Happy Day . . . Let's Crochet!

We finally have a new crochet teacher, we're back in yarn up to our elbows.  A big thanks for Veda Adamson filling in for us.  What a gal!  Corey Wood has crochets for twenty plus years and dearly loves it!  He brought in some of his handwork to show us.  B E A U T I F U L !  So if you have been waiting for a teacher, come on in, get started on some handy work of your own.  If you don't know how to crochet, Corey can help you learn.

Classes are held Mondays at 11:00 in the television room.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Pete Harman Day 2012

By Lana Price

It was one of those crisp fall days and a great turnout for Pete Harman Day.  The room was wall to wall tables and decorations of autumn colors. 

When questioned, four people raised their hands that had enjoyed the first Harman Day celebration in 1990, 22 years ago.  Today in 2012, there were many familiar faces, husbands and wives as well as newbies who gathered.

Michael K Harris, a gifted fellow, entertained the mass with music reminiscent of many good years and times.  The 60’s and 70’s kept everyone mesmerized in their chairs, some humming along with Michael’s great singing, as well as keeping us alert with his cleverly inserted humor. 

Speaking with Harman folks, the overall jostling of; “Did you come here for the free meal, or for the desert?”  Responses were collectively, ‘the good company and the celebration’ as well as years of celebrating Harman Day and what the Center means to them.

Here are a few tidbits over heard as the visiting was going on around the tables. 
Bonnie told a story back to 1956 when at 17 she arrived in Utah and escapades of her youth. 
George (a guitarist) was enjoying the camaraderie of everyone.
Alice mentioned that she would have put Michael Harris first on HER list of favorites, and Bernadine was smiling when she told me her nickname. 

Even Bill (center council rep) seemed to enjoy his promotion to cleanup crew.  Bill takes pride in helping at the Harman Center.
“Pete Harman, now 93, still sends his regrets of not being at the Harman Center for this annual celebration,” announced Jay Alexander (a representative since 1967).  A host of associates and affiliates of the Harman family were introduced.  

Donald Christensen & Son

Diane & Ryan Duckworth

Thelma & Duane Slaugh

Lee & Edy Parks

Shirley & Paul Hamblin

Corey Rushton

Janet & Randy Lint

In finale, Zenda elaborated on the family atmosphere of fun, laughter and good feelings generated by the staff and members who enjoy the “home away from home” value of the Harman Center.

Sherri Hatch, Jay Alexander, Jeanne Shiner, Jeremy Reid, and Wendy Smith

Many thanks to the staff from the Kentucky Fried Chicken people for the super delicious dinner.

Some of our patrons enjoying Pete Harman Day.

Thank you again Pete for all that you have made possible here.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Write On

Today we had people that like to write read their short stories and poems.  It is very interesting to listen to them share their talents.  We have a lot of talented people at our center.  The program started out with Dale Waudby reading about his first kiss.

As Dale read his story I could see some of the audience could relate to what he was talking about.  Then I could see Dale liked remembering the first kiss.

LaRae Frew read about her life as a small child.  I think that she was loved as a child.  Her words flowed very smoothly as the story developed in our listening minds.

It was as plan as Vickie standing in front of us that friends are very important to her.  Vickie Banks created a poem of how important and what a blessing friends are.  I'm sure she makes all of her friends grateful that she is a friend with them.

Vickie Smith was kind enough to read a story written by Lana Price.  Lana had written about wisdom while talking to a grandchild.  The wise grandmother ended up not admitting the child to be right.  Then Vickie told about cutting fish as a resturant.  She ended up eating her own words.

Valerie Wells did a short poem about being like a blade of grass.  It was uplifting, short, thought provoking and sweet.  Grass isn't such a bad thing to be after all.

Afterward I told about a poem my mother had written
Through my hair I ran a comb
For I know not why
For when I stepped outside the door
The wind just made it fly.
Barbara Jeppson

I told of how we can build stories with each other.  Remember the game of I'll start the story and you add to it?  We did that.  The seniors and I were able to make up two short stories.  It was fun to see the imagination stir in their minds as their input built the stories.

Hopefully we can continue to find the hidden treasures that live in each seniors lives and get to know them better.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Magna Decathlon 2012

Magna hosts a decathlon every year at their center.  Every center in the valley is invited to join in the contests.  It's a time to laugh, compete, and get to know your neighbor.  They do a fantastic job.  I wasn't able to go with our seniors to the games.  So I watched for their return to our center to see how it went.  It was very obvious that they had a super day.  Their grins reached ear to ear.

Games they played were:

9 Ball Pool
Horse Shoes
Bull's Eye
Boggle Mania
Floor Shuffle Board
Junk In The Trunk
Wii Bowling
Mystery Event
Table Shuffle Board
Scavenger Hunt
Back Row:  Vickie Smith, Jean Poulsen, Jim Olsen, Edward Shepard, Malofou Taosoga
Front Row:  Julie Abbott, Mary Zinn, Vickie Banks, Mary Meacham and Bea Cragun

Everyone that played in the games received a bright team shirt to wear.  Magna thought of everything with their awards and all.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Levi Day

We had a contest for Levi Day.
Bob Tripp won for wearing the most Levi.
Julie Abbott won Best Dressed Woman.  She wore a visor, a tigger shirt and paper stars on her clothes.

Tri Nguyen won Best Dressed Man.