The King stood everyone at the tables as they read the code of the knights together.
We had a contest to see who was valiant enough to pull the sword from the stone. It was interesting that it was easier for the women to pull the sword out than the men.
Those who were able to pull the sword from the stone (which not so many could), then were knighted by the king.
Of course we had a dragon to slay.
A moment of silence everyone please.
Our dinner was very tasty. With great drink!
Food fit for a king!
When the dinning was over we watched the movie First Knight. We had a couple that took the excitement of the movie a little at heart.
You have to keep your eye on these folks at time. Although it had it's tense moments, it ended well between them.
There were are few people we needed to tame. We have our ways.
The event was a blast with hanging pictures of shields on the walls, and candle light for table lighting. All in all, it isn't the decorations and props that make the night as much as the great people that surround us.