Friday, June 17, 2016

Camp Wrinkle 2016 Let's Make History Day 2

The second day of Camp Wrinkle was Crafts and Contest at our center.  We played watermelon games, western wear contest, boot ring toss, cowboy hat card toss, clothes line contest and cowboy horse race.  Our crafts were pictures frames with the photos below in them, and a decorated drinking cup that had the camp theme cover on it.






Philo in the green shirt vacuumed up the watermelon far faster than anyone else.

The next contest was supposed to be a seed spitting contest.  After shopping for a while, it was realized that you can't buy a watermelon with seeds in it anymore.  So they spit out sunflower seeds instead.


Terry won for the seed spitting contest,  Philo won for the fastest watermelon eater.

Vickie, Chris, Angela and Lynn won the clothes line contest.

These two are the winners of the Western Wear contest.  Lydie for the ladies, and Jim for the men's.