Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Creative Hat Day

We have some very creative people.  They paraded their creations around the room.  Then we voted on first, second, and third places.  Afterward, everyone that participated received a prize.

Jim Olsen Won First Place - Mr. America

Kay Wallis won Second place - A very fashionable velvet hat.

Greg Gramse won Third place - He called himself Jaws.

A staff member, Virginia Shay surely was a delicious treat.
For more photos on this look on the right hand side of this blog under Photos of Patrons.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Tracy Aviary

We enjoy delightful birds at the birdshow.  The show lasted 30 minutes.  2 years construction at the park really paid off.  It was a wonderful experience.  You should go.

Click on the image to enlarge or save.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Who Murdered Who?

Our drama class made the play Who Murdered Who into a radio show.

Rex Clark, Steve Smith, Vickie Smith, Marlys Trask, Dennis Chadwick, Colleen Richards, Terry Facer, David Walker, Julie Abbott, Vickie Banks, and Director Eileen Pryor
More Photos found on the right hand side of this blog.  Look under Photos of Patrons.

St. Patrick's Day

Look for more photos on the right hand side of this blog under Photos of our patrons.  You can download them for yourself.


John Atamanczyk has a hobby of raising snakes.  He is also our van driver.  His presentation of snakes has always been so educational.  By the time he has closed his presentation people that don't like snakes are touching and wanting to hold them.

There are more Photos click on the right hand side of this blog and look for Photos of our Patrons.  You can download any of these.

Salt Lake City and County Building Tour

Photos taken by Greg Gramse
